Ethereum Websocets Connection with Binance Websocket
Connecting to a binance web socket terminal in node.js using the ws
library can be a challenge. In this article, we will explore the error you are facing and provide steps to correct it.
Error Description
The Error Message You Received Indicates That The Received Function is not Being Called When Data Received From The Socket Connection is Received. This suggests a Problem with the event Handling mechanism or the websocket protocol.
Solution 1: Check the websock
Before you dive into the subject, we will Ensure that your web socket connection is established correctly:
Conste websocket = Requires (‘WS’);
// Create A New Websocket Connection with Binance
Const ws = New Websocket (‘WSS: // 9443/WS/BTCUSDT@Trade’);
console.log (‘Websocket Connection Established’);
// Deals with Input Messages
Ws.on (‘Message’, input function (data) {
console.log (Message Received: $ {date}
// Close the Websocket Connection When Finished
Ws.on ('close', () => {
console.log ('Websocket Connection Closed');
If your Connection is not established correctly, try the following:
Solution 2: Check the binance web socket protocol
Binance uses a Specific Protocol for Your Websockets. Make Sure You Are Using The Correct Version:
Const ws = New Websocket (‘wss: // 9443/ws/btcussdt@trade? Ts = 1 & uslt = 1’);
// This must be the url and the correct options
Console.log (Websocket Connection Established with Binance Protocol $ {ws.protocol} $ {ws.Version}
Solution 3: Deal with errors and failures
It is essential to deal with errors and failures in your event handling mechanism. Try to Add Error Check Error:
Conste websocket = Requires (‘WS’);
Const ws = New Websocket (‘WSS: // 9443/WS/BTCUSDT@Trade’);
to try {
console.log (‘Websocket Connection Established’);
Ws.on (‘Message’, input function (data) {
// Deals with Input Messages
console.log (Message Received: $ {date}
Ws.on ('close', () => {
console.log ('Websocket Connection Closed');
} Catch (Error) {
Console.error ('Error Establishing the Websocket Connection:', Error);
Solution 4: Check the length of the buffer websocket
Make sure the buffer Length for Data Received is Sufficient to Deal with Your Requirements. If you are Receiving Large Amounts of Data, Consider Increasing Buffer Size:
Const ws = New Websocket (‘WSS: // 9443/WS/BTCUSDT@Trade’);
Ws.on (‘Message’, input function (data) {
// Process Data Received Here
console.log (Message Length Received: $ {date.length}
Solution 5: Check the API Documentation Websocket Binance Websocket
Check the official Documentation of Binance’s API Websocets for Changes Or Requirements:
- [Binance website API] (
By following thesis steps and solving your code, you can solve the error and establish a successful connection with the end point of the binance website.