Ethereum: Golang ending (Binance) web service stream using go routine

Ethereum: Binance API Data Application using Go-Routines

Ethereum: Golang ending (Binance) web service stream using go routine

As we strive to integrate different services and the API systems in our existing systems, it is important to understand the basic concepts to ensure carefree performance. One of such services that has lately attracted considerable attention is Binance API, especially when it comes to flowing data. In this article, we will deepen the solution based on the consumption path of Binance streaming API.

What is Ethereum?

Before you immersed in the specifics of this example, let’s briefly introduce what Ethereum is. Ethereum (ETH) is an open code, a decentralized platform that allows you to make smart contracts and decentralized applications (DAP). The Ethereum network uses a unanimity mechanism called Pofe-Pake (POS), which allows users to confirm transactions and create new blocks without asking for yield.

Binance API and Data Streaming

Binance API provides real -time market data, including transactions, orders and other relevant information. However, this integration of the API with the existing system can be a difficult task due to its high demand. Binance streaming API is designed to effectively process large amounts of data, but it requires proper operation and processing.

Data streaming road routes

To introduce binance API flow using Go-Routines, we will follow these actions:

  • Install the necessary libraries : We will use the “Synchronization/Atoms” common variable atoms for operations and “Net/http” to make HTTP requests.

  • Create a GO structure to hold data : Determine a personalized GO structure to display Binance API stream that includes time mark, order identification number and other relevant information.

Introduction of data processing processing routine : creating a Go routine that processes any inbox from Binance API data.

Here is an example of Go Performance:

“ Go


import (







Type binanceapi struct {

Customer *binance-api-go.v3. Customer


FUNC NEWBINANCE () *binanceapi {

Options: = and binance-api-go.optionoptions {

Apikey: “Your_api_Key”,

APISECRET: “Your_api_secret”,

Symbol: “BTC/USDT”,


C, ERR: = binance-api-go.newclient (options)

If I make a mistake! = zero {

Log.fatal (ERR)


Return and binanceapi {customer: C}


FUNC (b binanceAapi) GetStream () ( Sync.rwmutex, [] Struct {

a case of case. Time

Order string

Data structure {


String type


Int64 sum


}) {

varnish *sync.rwmutex

Can be ordered [] [] Struct {

a case of case. Time

Order string

Data structure {


String type


the amount of int64



Error: = b.client.getstream (“Straume”, “BTC/USDT”, FUNC (Straume *Sync.rwmutex) Error {

Stream.lock ()

Defer the stream.unlock ()

Orders = Appendix (orders, structure {

a case of case. Time

Order string

Data structure {


String type


Int64 sum


} …)

Return to zero


If I make a mistake! = zero {

log.fatal (ERR)


Straume = Atomic.newint32 (0)

return and flow, orders



B: = NewbinanceAapi ()

For {

Flow, _, Error: = B.Getstream ()

If I make a mistake! = zero {


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