Ethereum: Binance API Python – How to use a specific output

Therneum binnance pemin: how to get specific exclusivity *

Auto Mategod Bat maker, you ‘Ande’re Lakeal family with Acortance and Relilut data. In this article, we will explore how to use Bince Appi at Python to show a specific exhaustion of your bot.


Before you dive into the code, make the Suing Yuve:

  • Binence Apcocunt (Cree Plan Avafila)

  • 2. Print) Library installed.



Here is an Exper Spect Specting order order order order order order on the binance claim Python:

Ual al Clupethon


Set your Binance API credentials

Api_key wo ‘your_apikey’

Pecret s’ you

Set the detailed information point for detailed order


Define the specific output you want to extract (eg “Orderd” and “Clienterid”)


Def Geph_order_Themels (symbol):

Set API request parameters

Parent S Phras Phons.

“Symbol”: symbol, symbol,

“Boundary”: 1

E e ee

Give API request

Answer WO QUSS.get (InnopointPointPointPoint’s Phosyc-Crey ‘: Pei_clacrey,’ Appicree ‘: Pear_Exretôrams).

Check that the answer was successful

Ip rosse.statu

Parse json reply

Data drosponsse.json ()

Pull out and return specific output values

Kyy in outputputzy:

Result Wo nyata.get (key)

Print (F’è


Print (F’rro: _Books.tope.thte.text)

Example of use

The symbol is inserted

Get_order_thetsels (symbol)

Ethereum: Binance API Python - How to use a specific output


In the Cod in the Exame, we do not identify XUNCTION_OTERED_EDER_EDERNIS, this is a symbol of the retger order recruitment to employees as ASA. We use Urequequests Ayingts to send Requar to Bince Volume EdPoint with Parmons specifics to you specificid.

Resposse from analyzed as analyzed, and then naked, and neutralizes exclusive. These are Aclicrair and Uclienoderd H in Wo’ar, so we print Valent Thextraram the JSON.

Tips and Variations *

  • To get the Reatric Morer or Inss information, adjust the Parmoner to Limmeter to stay the ORERS order.

  • You can Calae Appii’s rear points, Yalagee /Apiet /Orderd /Terderd 3, thrown through a resident order order details.

  • Be on the SUPLACE THE PLACEELERS (Parreure and Ukuyour_Sithycret (Shecret) with your accuracy.

Additional connection *

For more information about binary and receptors specific or reading or [Binary Appi APE API document] (httpsstps: // Docking/AP/APP/App/App.

By thawing things and using the Binnance Ape Ape Apon, you will seduce to the Xracphic Orcher Orcrent Fropfid Bot. Kappy coding!


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